Differences to eGovernment Implementation Profile of SAML V2.0
This document supercedes the older eGovernment Implementation Profile V2.0bis. This section summarizes the differences between the two profiles.
The profiles will be abbreviated "Interop" and "eGov" respectively.
General Changes in the Interop Profile
The name reflects the fact that SAML WebSSO Federation as described in the eGov profile is in fact applicable to any sector, not only to public sector.
The profile specifies the minimal requirements for implementers of SAML software that that promote interoperability by default.
Requirements have been reworded in the Interop profile for better precision and to reflect lessons learned.
Requirements have been selected to be testable and related to the implementation perspective.
Approach to Mapping the Profiles
The Interop Profile introduces a new layer in its outline for requirements that are related to IDPs, SPs or are common to both. The mapping table follows the eGov strucuture.
The conformance classes have been dropped in favor of a single set of requirements.
The June 2010 version 2.0 of the eGov profile was reformatted in a more formal way with requirement identifiers for better reference, and is published as version 2.0bis. The following mapping table is using these identifiers.
This section is not going into the fine details, but tries to give a guide to the changes in general. Only MUST and SHOULD requirements have not been included.
RequID | RequID | Change in Interop profile |
eGov-001 |
IIP-MD01 |
Extended: MUST support Entity Attributes; Algorithm Support; Login and Discovery User Interface; |
IIP-MD03 |
Added: MUST be capable of "configuration by metadata only". |
eGov-002 |
No change. Implied by <MetaIOP> Section 2.6.1. |
eGov-003 |
Extended. Interop requires mandatory support for <ds:KeyValue> elements; eGov was relaxed to require support for <ds:X509Certificate> only (Implied by <MetaIOP>). |
eGov-004 |
Removed. Path validation of signatures, TLS, and encryption credentials not mandatory in Interop |
eGov-005 |
Removed. Recommended support for PKIX not mandatory in Interop. |
eGov-006 |
Removed. Support for OCSP and CRLs in Interop. |
eGov-008 |
IIP-MD01 |
Entity Attributes and related policy controls. support changed from SHOULD to MUST. |
eGov-010 |
Removed. (Support the generation or exportation of metadata). |
eGov-011 |
Removed. By inheritance from [MetaIOP] the publication of metadata at a well-know location is OPTIONAL |
eGov-012 |
Removed. Interop does not mandate to support the importation of metadata from a local file. |
eGov-013 |
IIP-MD04 |
Modified. Dropped mandatory support for TLS; Added redirect support. |
eGov-014 |
Removed. Support the use of more than one fixed location for the importation of metadata. |
eGov-015 |
IIP-MD02 |
- |
eGov-016 |
IIP-MD04 |
- |
eGov-018 |
IIP-MD05 |
Extended. Key management for metadata signature verification. |
eGov-019 |
Removed. Path-based certificate validation for metadata signatures. |
IIP-MD06 |
Added: Processing requirements in the validUntil attribute in metadata root elements. |
IIP-MD07 |
Added: Key rollover for singing keys. |
IIP-MD08 |
Added: Key rollover for singing keys. |
IIP-MD09 |
Added: Algorithm support in metadata. |
IIP-MD10 |
Clarified. <md:KeyDescriptor> without use=".." is valid as both a signing and encryption key. |
IIP-MD11 |
Clarified: only public key is relevant in a certificate. |
Added: SHOULD support SAML-MDQ. |
Added: SHOULD limit use of algorithms for XMLSig and XMLEnc to those declared in the peer’s metadata. |
IIP-SP03 |
Clarification: Do not overload semantics of persistent Name Identifiers. |
Added: MUST include specific SAML attributes or values in a response based on the the entityID of the SP. |
Added: MUST include specific SAML attributes or values in a response based on <mdattr:EntityAttributes> elements. |
Added: MUST include specific SAML attributes or values in a response based on <md:RequestedAttribute> elements. |
eGov-021 |
IIP-G01 |
- |
eGov-022 |
IIP-G01 |
- |
IIP-G02 |
Added: Handling of clock skew. |
IIP-G03 |
Added: Minimal value range of type xs.string. |
eGov-030 |
Extended. Arbitrary xs.string value in the Name attribute and any arbitrary xs.anyURI value in the NameFormat attribute. |
eGov-031 |
Extended. Service Providers MUST NOT require the presence of the xsi.type XML attribute. |
IIP-SP06 |
Clarified. SPs MUST NOT fail or reject responses due to the presence of unrecognized <saml2:Attribute> elements. |
IIP-SP07 |
Clarified. SPs MUST NOT treat the FriendlyName attribute normatively or make comparisons based on its value. |
IIP-SP08 |
Added: <saml2p:AuthnRequest> without <saml2p:NameIDPolicy>, and with <saml2p:NameIDPolicy> but no Format attribute. |
eGov-032 |
Clarified: regard Errata |
Added: consumption of peer configuration values from SAML metadata. |
Added: MUST successfully consume any and all well-formed extensions. |
eGov-033 |
IIP-SP09 |
- |
IIP-SP10 |
Added: Process responses from any number of issuing IdPs for any given resource URL. |
eGov-040 |
Added: HTTP-POST bindings for authentication requests. |
eGov-041 |
Removed. Interop does not mandate the support of following child elements of <saml2p:AuthnRequest>:
(Support for <saml2p:RequestedAuthnContext> and <saml2p:NameIDPolicy> is still mandatory as in eGov.) |
eGov-042 |
Extended. MUST support ForceAuthn, IsPassive and RequestedAuthnContext. |
eGov-043 |
- |
eGov-044 |
Removed. no support is mandated except ForceAuthn, IsPassive and RequestedAuthnContext. |
eGov-045 |
Removed explicit rule for the verification of requested AssertionConsumerServiceURL locations via comparison to metadata; however, it can be derived from [SAMLProf] ("identity provider MUST ensure that any <AssertionConsumerServiceURL> or <AssertionConsumerServiceIndex> elements in the request are verified") and IIP-MD03. |
eGov-050 |
Restricted. Interop requires support for HTTP-POST, but not for HTTP-Artifact binding for <saml2p:Response> messages. |
eGov-052 |
Removed requirement to support unsolicited <saml2p:Response> messages. |
eGov-053 |
- |
eGov-054 |
Extended. MUST support the signing of assertions and responses, both together and independently. |
eGov-055 |
- |
eGov-061 |
Removed requirement to support to set the limit of Assertion, AuthnStatement and AttributeStatement elements per Response to 1 each. |
eGov-063 |
Removed requirement to support the Consent attribute in <saml2p:Response> messages. |
eGov-064 |
Removed requirement to support the inclusion of a SessionIndex attribute in <saml2:AuthnStatement> elements. |
eGov-065 |
Removed requirement to support the SessionNotOnOrAfter attribute (because it is not generally testable) |
eGov-066 |
Removed requirement to support acceptance/rejection of assertions based on the content of the <saml2:AuthnContext> element. |
eGov-067 |
Removed with eGov-066. |
eGov-068 |
Removed with eGov-066. |
eGov-070 - 073 |
Removed requirement to support artifact binding. |
eGov-074 |
Removed requirement to support HoK SSO. |
eGov-081 - 085 |
Removed requirement to support SAML 2.0 Proxying. |
IIP-SP13 |
Added: Support for deep linking and direct addressability with WebSSO. |
Added: Support for the ECP profile. |
Added: Support for HTTP Basic Authentication. |
Added: Support for the generation and inclusion of a random key. |
Added: Support for the consumption of peer configuration values from SAML metadata for ECP. |
eGov-090 |
Extended. include Errata and Asynchronous SLO. |
eGov-091 |
Removed requirement to support SOAP binding for SLO. |
eGov-092 |
Restricted. HTTP-Redirect binding is mandatory, but SOAP binding for SLO is optional in Interop. |
eGov-093 |
Removed. SOAP binding for SLO is optional in Interop. |
eGov-094 |
Removed requirement to support signatures and TLS server authentication to authenticate <saml2p:LogoutRequest> messages. |
eGov-095 |
Extended. Support multiple keys to allow rollover. |
eGov-096 |
Removed requirement to support both local logout and SLO. |
eGov-097 |
Removed requirement to support UI for scope of logout when using front-channel binding. |
eGov-098 |
Removed requirement to support UI for status information (e.g. partial logout indication). |
eGov-099 |
Removed requirement to support both local logout and SLO. |
eGov-100 |
Removed requirement to support administrative initiation of SLO. |
eGov-101 |
Restricted. HTTP-Redirect binding is mandatory, but SOAP binding for SLO is optional in Interop. |
eGov-102 |
Removed. SOAP binding for SLO is optional in Interop. |
eGov-103 |
Removed requirement to support signatures and TLS server authentication to authenticate <saml2p:LogoutRequest> messages. |
Added: Support for the consumption of peer configuration values from SAML metadata for SLO. |
eGov-110 |
Added limited support for rsa-sha1. |
eGov-111 |
Added limited support for sha1. |
eGov-112 |
- |
eGov-113 |
Removed tripledes-cbc. |
eGov-114 |
Extended: Added Support for aes128-gcm. |
eGov-115 |
Extended: Added Support for aes256-gcm. |
eGov-116 |
Removed rsa-1_5. |
eGov-117 |
Extended. Added rsa-oep. |
eGov-118 |
Removed requirement to support ECDH-ES |